About Der-Huy Chinese School

We provide our students with a friendly educational environment where they will be able to learn, practice and develop Chinese Mandarin conversational, reading and writing skills.

We utilise digital learning tools as part of our teaching materials and we encourage our students to participate in social events for the school community. We are also able to facilitate and teach according to our student’s own prior language knowledge.

Find Us Near You

As an affiliated school of Der Huy Chinese School, Cabramatta Public School offers a high-quality Chinese language program

Cabramatta Public School

Levuka St, Cabramatta NSW

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Chester Hill Public School in NSW offers Mandarin lessons that  integrate Chinese culture into your child's education.

Chester Hill Public School

Proctor Parade, Chester Hill
NSW, 2162

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St. John's Park Public School is part of the Der Huy Chinese High School's program

St Johns Park Public School

Sandringham St, St Johns
Park NSW 2176

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A street view of a multi - story building with a fence around it

Russell Lea Public School

Whittall StreetRussell Lea
NSW 2046

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School Schedule and Fees

Term 1 - 5th Feb 2024 to 12th April 2024.
Term 2 - 4th May 2024 - 3rd Jul 2024
Term 3 - 27th Jul 2024 - 25th Sep 2024
Term 4 - 19th Oct 2024 - 18th Dec 2024


St John Park Public School

Chester Hill Public School

Russell Lea Public School

Cabramatta Public School

Class day and time

Saturday 9:30AM – 12:30PM

Saturday 9:00AM – 12:00PM

Monday 3:10 PM- 5:10 PM

Monday and Wednesday 3:10PM – 5:10 PM